Replay causes the Coordinator to resend the last protocol message to Database-1, which lets Database-1 deduce the transaction state& and then apply the appropriate recovery rule. Replay引起协调器把最后的协议消息重发给Database-1,这使得Database-1推断事务状态&然后应用合适的恢复规则。
It should be clear that the template above was incomplete, and this article also did not cover the protocol rule or template at all. 我们可以很明显的看出上面的模版是不完整的,这篇文章中也没有涉及协议规则或者协议模版的内容。
The protocol can "rule out the three major causes of complications: coronary artery disease, pulmonary embolism and aortic dissection," said Dr. 该诊断结果能“排除三个主要并发症的主要原因:冠心病,肺栓赛和主动脉壁夹层形成”来自Jacksonville佛罗里达大学的Dr。
However, every vendor system bases on different technology and protocol without uniform standard and rule, which brings a big difficulty for NMC building and network extending. 然而,由于不同的厂商网管(下简称OMC)系统采用不同的技术和协议研制缺乏统一的接口标准和规范,从而为其接入综合网管以及未来的系统扩容都带来巨大困难。
In order to address the issue related to intrusion detection based on the application-level protocol, this paper proposes a rule building aid system based on sequential mining and a new framework of sequential detection model ( SIDS). 为了解决应用层协议的检测问题,论文设计并实现了基于序列挖掘的辅助规则生成系统和序列检测模型(SIDS)。
According to the MAC layer protocol of IEEE 802.11, we define a rule language to describe intrusion features. 根据IEEE802.11MAC层协议,构建了用来描述入侵特征的规则语言。
Negotiation protocol is the communication rule which participants must abide and it is the base of negotiation. 协商协议是协商双方需要遵守的通信规则,是完成整个协商过程的基础;
With the enhancement of Ethernet protocol rule degree, some change has taken place at the aspects of network installment and configuration. 随着以太网协议统治地位的增强,在网络安装与配置方面也发生了一些变化。
Protocol and the encoding rule, design of collector subsystem in Packet Switched Domain is analyzed according to the process of engineering. 1协议和编码规则,根据实际的研发过程,分析了分组域话单采集设计。
Moreover, useful structures such as message, event, protocol rule, etc. are semantically encoded. 重要的结构如消息、事件、协议规则等都通过语义编码方式定义。
A communication protocol is a software framework and an encode rule for a communication system to realize complicated tasks. Any communication system can not work normally without the support of the communication protocol. 通信协议是通信系统在通信链路上实现复杂任务的软件构架及程序编写规则,任何通信系统之所以能正常工作离不开通信协议的支持。
Meta Object Protocol is the integration and interaction rule between the base level and the meta level. 元对象协议是基本层和元层两个层次之间的集成以及交互的规则。
In the stage of rules storage, the algorithm divides all the original rule sets into three matching logical units based on protocol. Compared with the numbers of the original packet matching rules, the scale of rule sets for packet matching is greatly reduced. 在规则存储阶段,算法将所有规则依据协议存放到三个匹配逻辑单元中,相对原始数据包匹配规则数目来说,每个逻辑单元的待匹配规则数目大大减少。
On the research of FTP protocol, we classify the rule options according to keywords which are based on the type of command. In this way, it contributes to reducing the computing cost of rule-matching which is irrelevant of command. 本文在对FTP协议的研究分析中,以命令为关键字对规则选项进一步划分,这样大大减少了与命令无关的规则匹配。
In order to get the good quality of all channels in the network, this protocol selects the reasonable fixed channel for all the network nodes according to the minimum channel interference rule. 根据最小信道干扰的原则给网络节点选择合理的固定信道,以保证网络的信道质量。
In the design system, each application layer protocol has its own rule base, rule description, and rule processor based on its characteristics. 在设计的入侵检测系统中,各应用层协议按照自身特性维护各自的规则库并拥有各自的规则描述、组织方式和规则处理方式。
The main frame of this paper is that introducing the Kerberos protocol, the mail transmitting protocol and the theory and technology of the Windows Sockets programming. Based on the rule of Kerberos, this paper designs a authentication system with Kerberos. 本文主要的架构是介绍了Kerberos协议、邮件传输协议以及windowsSockets编程的相关理论和技术,并设计出了一个具体的Kerberos身份认证系统。
Probe mainly contains the data packet capture module, protocol analysis module, the invasion matching module, exception processing module, the rule parsing module. 探测器主要由数据包捕获模块、协议分析模块、入侵匹配模块、异常处理模块、规则解析模块等组成。
Based on different characteristics of every application layer protocol, we classify the rules of Snort rule option according to characteristic keywords. 然后针对应用层协议自身特点,对Snort规则选项按照关键字分类来进一步划分规则。